gift idea

FreshJax Featured in Women's Health Magazine

FreshJax Organic grilling seasonings variety 5 pack

You need to get a gift for a guy friend, so what exactly can you buy him that doesn’t send the wrong signal? You’d hate for him to get the impression that you actually think you two are dating or that you want to be dating. For starters, avoid giving him a tie or really, any item of clothing that comes across as too intimate. A framed photo of the latest concert you went to is no good, either (hey, there is such a thing as too thoughtful here).

All that aside, you want him to know what an awesome friend he is and how appreciative you are to have him in your life. To express that, aim to get him a gift that says “high five” rather than “long embrace.” Boozy gifts are always great, and we’ve found a few here. Practical gifts—like something to hold his keys or a really cool alarm clock—can be a hit as long as they’re unique. And for the goofier guys, we found gifts that make you laugh, like a light-up toilet bowl (yes, really).

So when you’re struggling with what to get your pal and want to keep the vibes casual between the two of you, check out these nine options he’ll love:

You know he and the guys just got an apartment with a grill out back. These grilling spices, in flavors like smokey Southwest, citrus pepper, and peppered habanero, ensure that whatever comes off the grill actually tastes good. And that’s important since you’re planning on stopping by for free eats on the reg.

FreshJax Grilling Spice Gift Set

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freshjax Organic Sseasoning peppered habanero citrus pepper and garlic herb
Organic Grilling seasonings 5 pack gift set

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