Two Activities You Can Do in 20 Minutes to Start Off 2022 Right

man stretching in office

man stretching in office


It’s the start of the new year, which means it’s time for new resolutions, new goals, a new mindset, or maybe even a new lifestyle. But where do you start? Implementing a new activity into your daily routine is easier than you may think, and we are going to show you how.  

“For changes to be of any true value, they’ve got to be lasting and consistent.” -Tony Robbins

 Making true change in any area of your life, whether it be related to your work productivity, diet, exercise, or even in a new hobby, takes consistency. Change doesn’t happen overnight but taking small steps forward will lead to creating a larger and lasting impact.

Here are two quick tasks that can help jumpstart your new routine that take just 20 minutes.


It’s Time to Move a Little                   

Whether you are in the office or working from home, you may be realizing how long your body gets “stuck” in the sitting position. It’s time to get moving!

Here are a few exercises you can easily do from your office chair or home, in a few quick minutes.


Oblique Twists

  1. An exercise you can do in your chair and feel like a kid again? Yes please!
  2. To begin this exercise, sit in your chair (make sure it’s a swivel chair) near your desk. Hover your feet above the ground and place your hands on the edge of the desk to grip for stability.
  3. Using your core, begin twisting in your chair from left to right. Make sure your arms and legs aren’t swinging too much.
  4. Twist back and forth about 15 times and take a rest. Trust me, you’ll have to stop yourself from doing this all day now.

Triceps Dips

  1. While you’re going to want a swivel chair for the previous exercise, you’ll need to trade it for a stationary chair for this one.
  2. Find a stable chair from your breakroom or kitchen and stand with the chair behind you.
  3. With your fingertips facing forward, place your hands on the seat of the chair. Extend your legs out so they are straight and keep your heels on the ground.
  4. Once in position, bend your elbows back and lower yourself down a bit. You are aiming for your arms to be parallel to the floor. Work at your own pace!
  5. Straighten your arms to rise back up to your starting position and repeat these last two steps.
  6. Continue repeating until 15-20 dips are completed.

Wall Pushups

  1. If you don’t have a variety of chairs at your disposal, no worries. All you need to do is find the nearest wall for this next exercise.
  2. Standing a few steps away from the wall, outstretch your arms in front of you and lean forward to touch the wall.
  3. Keep your palms flat against the wall and place your arms shoulder width apart. Lower yourself towards the wall, bending your elbows outwards, and then push back up to straighten your arms.
  4. Try to keep a tight core (squeeze those stomach muscles) and avoid using your toes to learn towards the wall.
  5. Repeat 15-20 times.

Shoulder Stretch

  1. Now that you’ve done a few exercises, it’s important to stretch.
  2. In a seated position, interlace your fingers and push your arms up towards the ceiling, with the palms of your hands facing upwards. Reach for the sky!
  3. Hold this stretch and take two deep breaths, then relax.

Knee-Pull Stretch

  1. You can remain seated for this last stretch of our mini home/office workout.
  2. Lean back in your chair and reach down to pull your left knee up towards your chest. Hug your knee and take a few deep breaths. Switch legs and repeat.
  3. If you are looking for a bigger challenge, try this stretch standing up.



woman stretching in office chair with laptop work from home

There you have it! A quick workout with a few exercises you can do from either your office or home to get those muscles moving, and the best part is you can do the whole thing in only 20 minutes.

Try these out and let us know which exercise is your favorite. (Personally, I will be doing the oblique twists all throughout the day.)


Flavor Filled Food is Fuel

Perhaps you are rounding out your morning after a big presentation (or you just finished your 20-minute mini workout), and you are looking for a delicious lunch. A flavorful and nutrition-packed lunch is key to a mid-day pick me up.

How about a Greek salad?


FreshJax Organic Spices Tofu Greek Salad


Okay, now hear me out. I know salads can seem boring sometimes, but let’s liven things up with some FreshJax Organic Spices.

For measurements and instructions, you can find the following recipe here.

For this recipe, you can use your favorite firm block tofu or tofu feta.

  1. Dry your tofu, dice it, and place it in a bowl.
  2. Mix tofu with FreshJax Organic Greek Herb Blend and FreshJax Organic Garlic Herb Blend.
  3. In a separate bowl, grab your preference of salad greens (mine is baby spinach) and place in the bowl.
  4. Throw in some red onions, black olives, and cherry tomatoes to the bowl with your salad greens.
  5. Add in your seasoned tofu and mix.

Did you know you can also make a quick and easy dressing with just three ingredients? For our Greek dressing, combine red wine vinegar, olive oil, and FreshJax Organic Greek Herb Blend. Whisk together and drizzle over your newly created salad.

Now you can enjoy an easy Greek salad packed with flavor to power through the rest of your day. Lunch time is one of the best parts of the day, and with this tasty meal that takes under 20 minutes to make, you can spend more time relaxing and less time prepping. Yum!


“New Year, New You”

I’m sure you’ve all heard this phrase before. Each new year that comes along presents a time to start over with a clean slate. It’s a chance to try something new or achieve that goal you have been wanting to reach. The biggest challenge for many is taking the first step. These at home office exercises and our easy Tofu Greek Salad are just a few suggestions you can work into your day. Try them for yourself to get a jumpstart on your 2022 goals!



How are you starting off 2022? Do you have a delicious new recipe to share? We love hearing from our fans! Tag us on Facebook or Instagram @freshjax or leave us a comment below.

Get Inspired!

man doing calisthenics
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