Black Lives Matter

black lives matter
Love your neighbor as you love yourself. If you love others, you will never do them wrong bible verse Romans

At FreshJax, we believe we must come to terms with the violent racism that has shaped our nation, and the lasting impacts on the systems that dictate how we live our lives. FreshJax is a Black and White owned company, part of the PS27 family and we're fortunate to include diversity within our business.

In order to implement true change in justice for people of color, we must all take a stand. Sitting on the sidelines equates to consenting to the violence we have made to believe is "business as usual".

The FreshJax mission is to help others not only in the kitchen, but in the community. We promise to leverage our platform to be allies to Black communities and to contribute to the changes that are so necessary for us to make a lasting change. Here are some of the early efforts we've committed to in order to put our values into action. These represent a first step in our commitment to contribute to meaningful change:


We will continue to stand in solidarity with the Black community down the road to challenging racial injustice that is ingrained into the fibers of this country. With that being said, FreshJax has donated $1,000 to the Equal Justice Initiative in support of their mission to end mass incarceration, excessive punishment, and racial inequality. In addition, we will continue to donate meals to children in need, many of whom are children of color in our local community in Jacksonville, FL.

Amplifying voices

FreshJax is committed to being an ally to Black communities and being vocal about our efforts and donations of inequality.

Diversity among race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation is what makes this country beautiful and FreshJax will forever be an Open to All business.

"As we learn more about the history of racial injustice it continues to teach us that change is required and we want to do our part to be part of that necessary change. We are only on this Earth for a short period of time and we intend on helping create equality throughout."โ€”Jason McDonald, CEO, FreshJax

We are here to listen, to learn, and to engage in conversation. We invite and welcome any and all feedback or ideas on what we can continue to do better, and what we can do to support you in the process. Reach out to us at

Black Lives Matter. Black Voices Matter. Black Futures Matter.


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