FreshJax INSPIRED Recipes

Amanda's Cinnamon-Vanilla Banana Bread Muffins

Amanda's Cinnamon-Vanilla Banana Bread Muffins

Our friend Amanda inspired both this recipe and the Happy Bake DayVanilla Sugar! The ultimate treat that's perfect for any hour.

Cinnamon RollMaple Cinnamon Roll Cookies

Kristin's Maple Cinnamon Roll Cookies

Enjoy Cinnamon Rolls and Cookies together with this awesome dessert idea by our friend Kristin. It bursts with flavors that are sure to capture your heart.

chef aprylSkillet cake cooling on the stove

Chef Apryl's Caramelized Ginger Pear Skillet Cake

This Caramelized Ginger Pear Skillet Cake showcases the delightful combination of ginger, maple cinnamon, and caramelized pears, enhanced by the aromatic flavors of FreshJax Organic Spice Blends. I...

AimeeSweet Potato Fries with whipped cream and Banana

Homemade Sweet Potato Fries

Fries are one of my favorite treats. I would have never thought to make them with Organic Rosy Cheeks and Maple Cinnamon Topping. Our friend Aimee did! She went above and beyond with this Sweet Pot...


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ChocolateSephora's Raspberry Peppermint Yogurt

Sephora's Raspberry Peppermint Yogurt

You know you are doing something right when you use "Raspberry Peppermint Yogurt" in a sentence and then end it with "Chocolate". These Yummy desert bars are super simple to make, store well for la...