FreshJax Is Featured In Father's Day Gift Guide
"The packaging was awesome! When you looked at the little glass jars, you expected there to be really great product on the inside — not some cheap spices you could buy at any local store — and that...

Watch FreshJax Organic Spices Bring Flavor To Your Screen In This Exclusive Interview
News Alert! Check out our interview for "On a Mission" during a special segment of Buzz TV.

A Spicy List From CNN Featuring FreshJax!
FreshJax Ghost Pepper Sea Salt was recently featured on CNN's list: "The Spiciest Food On Amazon That Reviewers Are Obsessed With."

FreshJax Places in Inc. Magazine's Inc. 5000
We’re incredibly proud to announce our placement in Inc. Magazine's Inc. 5,000 2020! FreshJax lands a spot at #1,185 on Inc.'s annual ranking of "private companies with the most proven track record...

FreshJax Organic Spices Makes Times Union Top 50 in Jacksonville Inspired Gifts
Find FreshJax Organic Spices On Times Union's Picks For Jacksonville Inspired Gift Giving

The Jacksonville BUZZ Wants FreshJax Organic Spices On Your Gift List
Anna Eatz Jax From The Jacksonville BUZZ Adds FreshJax Organic Spices To The Top Of Her Gift List.

FreshJax Organic Spices Tops PS27's Holiday Gift Guide
Shop Startups This Holiday Season With The PS27 Ventures Holiday Gift Guide

The April Blake Reviews FreshJax Gift Set
June really crept up on us, didn’t it? It did to me too, which is why Amazon is the best way that I am going to be able to get Father’s Day gifts rolling this year.

The Coastal Listed FreshJax At #1 On Their Father's Day Gift Guide
Father’s Day is coming up quickly this Sunday, which means if you haven’t already, it’s time to seek out the perfect Father’s Day gift for your dad.

Nick LaToof From Relentless Names FreshJax "The Spice of Life"
Nick LaToof Was Not Messing Around When He Reviewed This FreshJax Organic Gift Set. There’s gotta be a way to make our food taste great, naturally, without a bunch of funky things we can’t pronounc...

Stockpiling Moms Names FreshJax Gift Set As A Creative Father's Day Idea for 2019
Father’s Day is right around the corner and if you are having a difficult time coming up with creative Father’s Day Ideas for Dad we are here to help you with our Father’s Day Gift Guide!

FreshJax Featured in Popsugar's 100+ Gifts Your Man Will Love (and Actually Use!)
Why Would Your Man Love This Organic Spice Gift? Gift shopping for guys can be notoriously tricky. It's easy to go the kitschy and cute route, but for the holidays, we want our man to have somethin...